"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
30 Awesome Hacks for Fruit & Vegetables
As I develop my fasting practice I will do my best to document the journeys. Intermittent fasting, fruit fasting, coconut water fasting, juice fasting, water fasting....! My intention is to offer insight into my own personal experiences so if you are curious about fasting or new to the practice, it won't have to seem intimidating!
Each fast is unique in its own way, and detox symptoms will vary each time. There will be major differences from each fasting experience because physical, mental, energetic and environmental factors all influence the process. Fasting experiences will also differ greatly from person to person, so being mindful to not involve a certain level of comparison is important. Without judgement to past experiences or others, it will be an experiment of my own to just collect and observe the data of my practices.
The Complete Beginner's Guide to Fermenting Foods at Home
By: Banyan Botanicals
By: Food Revolution
Consumption Journal
Print the PDF and keep track of your weekly consumption according to the included information and guidelines. This is a FREE resource for your wellness journey! If you would like to set up a donation-based consultation to review your chart, reach out via email!
A guide for what produce to buy organic based on levels of pesticides.
Pesticides in Our Food:
By: Vani Hari
By: Vani Hari
By: Sam Levin, The Guardian
By: Cameron Klass